
Rolo.Dex is an app designed to make sharing and collecting business cards hassle free and eco-friendly. Simply enter the information you would like to share, and a unique QR code will be generated for you. You can also scan and save QR business cards into your personal Rolo.Dex using the camera feature.

Web Scraper

The ALTPRESS Web Scraper helps you stay up to date with the latest news stories, scraped from the ALTPRESS website. Find an article you like? Add it to your saved articles for future reading!


Eat-Da-Burger is a Bob's Burger themed app that allows you to order the show’s iconic burgers. Once ordered, the burgers are put on the Burger of the Day menu board. Click the burger you’re craving and it will then be moved to the Burgers Devoured menu board.


It’s Giftastic! With the help of the GIPHY API you can now view 10 gifs of your favorite musicians at the click of a button. If you don’t see the musician you’re looking for, don’t fret, just search for the musician and a button will be generated just for them. All gifs are paused when loaded, but a simple click on your gif of choice and you’re moving!


Bamazon is an Amazon-like storefront run solely through the command line. There are two ways to view the storefront as a customer or manager. Buy your favorite products as a customer, or update and manage current inventory as a manager.


The Muttropolitan Site is an all inclusive guide to owning a dog in Philadelphia. You can search the site for Philadelphia dog laws, veterinarians near you, and so much more! Don’t have a dog? Find your perfect dog match on the Adoptable Dogs Near You page.


Zoom is an app designed for mechanics to help stay on top of all the vehicles they are working on. You can log each vehicle that comes into your shop with all of the necessary details needed to repair and sell it. As individual vehicles are repaired, they can easily be updated on the inventory page as “Ready for sale”.

Crystal Collector

Crystal Collector is a jQuery game designed to test both your memory and math skills. At the start of the game you are given a random target number that must be reached by adding together the values of the crystals. The value of each crystal will not be known until after it has been clicked. Each game is a new challenge as the values for the target number and crystals all switch every time you play.

Train Scheduler

The Train Scheduler website allows you to view up to date schedules of your frequently traveled trains in one spot. Don’t see the train you’re looking for? With the Add Train feature, you can add your own trains to the schedule. The schedule is built to utilize the current time for the most accurate schedules.